Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Can you keep a secret? I'd like to keep it all very hush, hush until it's absolutely confirmed and the agreements are signed, but it looks as though I may have myself an agent...


Debbie said...


Veronica said...

Thanks Debbie. I'm quite excited about it as it will open up whole new areas of possible work for me. Being in the North East of Scotland, it can feel quite a long way from the midst of everything (although for someone with a bit more drive than me this probably wouldn't be an issue!). Now the world is my oyster ;-)

Patricia González Palacios said...

Beatiful ilustrations, greetings paty

Evangelina Prieto said...

Beautiful achievement V!!!, I send you a good energy to work and a happy heart to rest.

Sorry my English

Veronica said...

Thanks Paty and Evangelina, will keep you all posted on developments. Off to save down my entire online portfolio as 1MB files :-0

Kaili Ittensohn said...

That's awesome news!! Be sure to keep us posted. I would love to hear about it x

Anonymous said...

beautiful painting, and congratulations :)