Monday, 26 February 2007

The White Stag

I've been working on the illustrations for the Scottish folklore book - this one is for 'The White Stag'. I've also had the opportunity to exhibit in Padua in Italy in December so hopefully that will be a great opportunity for my work to be seen in Europe (the exhibition is touring Italian cities in 2008/2009).

No word yet from the publisher! I worked out if it can take two to three months to hear back then that's only 4-6 submissions in a year - it could take forever!

Sunday, 25 February 2007


I'm playing the waiting game now. The best thing to do is to keep working on the next project - that way I won't be too disappointed if my book idea is rejected. I'm currently working on an illustration for 'The White Stag', a traditional Scottish fairytale and will be 'unveiled' as Illustrator of the Month on the BRAW website on Thursday!

Sunday, 18 February 2007

I quit!

Also forgot to mention, I resigned from my design job last week. Not quite as brave as it sounds (I'm moving to another job as an arts administrator). But still, I'm hoping the change of scene (I had worked as a designer for the same [unappreciative] company for the last eleven years) will do my creativity some good.

First submission

My little book - 'At Night' - is out there. I sent my first submission of the initial text and illustration roughs to a publisher two days ago, so hopefully I will be charting the pitfalls (and successes?) of getting a book accepted and published, or the trauma of rejection - only time will tell!